Privacy Policy

CAVE'S Basic Stance on Personal Information

CAVE CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") will observe the Personal Information Protection Act, as well as will try to protect the personal information of its customers. When any provisions in the terms of services provided by the Company are inconsistent with the Privacy Policy, the terms of services shall be applied preferentially.

Intended Use of Personal Data

When the Company. obtains personal data from customers, the Company clearly indicates in advance the pur pose for which the personal data is intended to be used and uses the information within the scope of the stated purpose of use. When the need to use a customer's personal data for any purpose that goes beyond the stated purpose of use arises, the Company notifies the customer to that effect and obtains the customer's consent before using the information for such purpose.

  1. 1.Provision of membership services.
  2. 2.Provision of nonmembership services.
  3. 3.when a Person participates in a the Company questionnaire, sweepstake or event related to its services.
  4. 4.Responses to inquiries.
  5. 5.Execution of contracts.
  6. 6.Management of employment-related data at the Company.

Use of Personal Information

The Company requests its customers to provide their personal information only for questionnaire surveys, inquiries, campaign applications, information distribution, document requests, and other necessary occasions. The Company shall clarify the purpose of use each time. The Company shall not use your personal information for any other purposes you have not agreed with. However, if it should be clear that you have infringed or will infringe any other customer's or the Company's interests protected by law, the Company may use the information within the compelling scope in order to recover or prevent such infringement.

Our website uses Google Analytics, a service which transmits website traffic data to Google servers by using cookies.The Company use reports provided by Google Analytics to help us understand website usage and improve your experience on our site. You can see Google Analytics Terms of Service here.

Provision of Personal Information for Third Party

The Company will not provide your personal information for any third parties unless the Company has obtained your consent or any of the following cases is applicable.
The case that information will be disclosed to the necessary extent to allying, consigning and affiliating companies with which the Company has signed confidential agreements, the case that the company is requested of disclosure based on the laws and the case that judiciary or governmental authority requests to disclose information. Also there might be the case that personal information will be offered to the third parties as data, after statistically processed to prevent identification of individual name.

Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

When a customer has made a request to disclose, correct, or delete his or her personal information managed by the Company, the Company will take proper action within the reasonable scope as soon as we confirm that the request has been made by the customer in person.

Maintenance and improvement of personal data protection system

Continuously check, review and improve all policies, initiatives and apparatuses related to the protection of personal data.

Change to this Privacy Statement

The Company. may, at any time, update, review and revise this Privacy Statement for the protection of your Personal Information more effective, or in accordance with any applicable laws and regulations.

Inquiries about Personal Information form Custormers

When you would like to make an inquiry about your personal information (for disclosure, change, addition, deletion, suspension, etc.), please use inquiry contact.